IMFT is a joint research unit (CNRS + University of Toulouse). It is one of the largest and one of the best laboratories in fluid mechanics in France, with about 65 academics, 35 technicians and engineers, 80 PhD students and 20 postdocs.

IMFT is internationally renowned in topics such as combustion, biomechanics, porous media or multiphase flows, notably with 3 on-going ERC grants (BEBOP, VITAE,  and SCIROCCO).

The team Porous & Biological Media is at the forefront of international research in problems of transport in porous and biological media (bone, vascular system and microbial colonies). 8 hospital clinicians have been affiliated to the team since 2013, a unique merging at the national level between fundamental and clinical sciences.

Accessible platforms

Our research demands access to high-end equipment. Here are a few we work with regularly:

IMFT’s own resources

CALMIP is a mesocentre for high performance computing that contains the OLYMPE supercomputer.

TRI-Genotoul (TRI stands for Toulouse Réseau Imagerie i.e. Toulouse Network Imaging) is a group of platforms gathering all the techniques necessary to research dealing with living organisms.
It includes electronic (MEB, MET, tomography, cryo-methods, data analysis) or photon microscopy (SPIM & macro-SPIM, superresolution, confocal, multiphoton, macroscope, TIRF), cytometry and even atomic force microscopy.

Renatech LAAS has several platforms, including one for micro and nantechnologies (1500 m2 of clean room, with engineers and technicians), notably soft lithography for microfluidics.
The LAAS has also just set up a high-end 3D printing platform.

The BioPorousLab

The “Biological Porous Media Laboratory”  is located in the largest Hospital in Toulouse (CHU Purpan Pierre Paul Riquet building).

It combines porous media and biology equipments, especially for microbiology, microfluidics, 3D printing & high-speed videomicroscopy.

FERMAT Federation

FERMAT (Fluids, Energy, Reactors, Materials et Transfers) is a federation of some of the largest research laboratories in Toulouse. Its objective is to initiate and help interdisciplinary research projects in Engineering in Toulouse and in Occitanie. Research is organized around 5 themes: multiphase flows, materials & applications, engineering for life, porous media & colloids, microfluidics and microreactors.

The city

If you’re hesitating to join us because you’re not sure about Toulouse, you shouldn’t!

Some cool places in Toulouse: