Category / Journal / Advances in Water Resources
Investigating the Influence of Flow Rate on Biofilm Growth in Three Dimensions using Microimaging.
S. Ostvar, G. Iltis, Y. Davit, S. Schlüter, L. Andersson, B.D. Wood and D. Wildenschild.
01 March 2018 -
Homogenization via formal multiscale asymptotics and volume averaging: How do the two techniques compare?
Davit, Yohan and Bell, Christopher G. and Byrne, Helen and Chapman, Lloyd A. C. and Kimpton, Laura S. and Lang, Georgina E. and Leonard, Katherine H. L. and Oliver, James M. and…
02 December 2013 -
Modeling non-equilibrium mass transport in biologically reactive porous media
Y Davit, G Debenest, BD Wood, M Quintard
02 December 2010
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